Friday, September 20, 2013

Funny Sights

Here are a couple of odds and ends I have seen around town that make me laugh.

I was stopped at a train one evening coming home after volleyball practice and I saw an actual AC unit sticking out that truck's window. Is that normal??

Yesterday I was parked outside of Subway for lunch. When I went back to my car I saw the "vehicle" that was parked next to me. It looked like the camouflage ATV-like thing that Phil and Kay ride around on in Duck Dynasty. What took me by surprise was the car seat in the front seat lol.......really?? 

Now this is the way to send your kids off to school! This made me smile :-)

So, the people of the plains love their ATVs, unconventional AC units, camouflage, and doggies. Oh wait- I love most of those things too ;-) 

Tomorrow I am making homemade Sicilian stuffed artichokes with a friend who is teaching me her grandmother's authentic recipe. Will post about it! 

Have a fabulous Friday!



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