Thursday, August 8, 2013

Fish Taco Fridays!

I have decided to start a new tradition: to make tacos on Friday. And they must be either fish or shrimp, not for any other reason than I am a fanatic of those two types of soft tacos! The real reason behind this inspiration is my favorite restaurant, Fuzzy's Tacos, a taco shop chain in the Midwest and Southwest. They made the BEST tempura shrimp and grilled shrimp tacos. My sister-in-law Heather gave me her recipe, after my mom raved about the fish tacos Heather made for a family get-together. I tried it, it was fun, simple, and scrumptious!

I'm sorry I don't have a prettier picture, the thought to take a picture didn't strike me until we were almost through with dinner.


  • 3 fillets of tilapia  (you may want 2; 3 was more than enough for Mountain Man and myself)
  • 1 packet of fish fry (just regular, not fancy stuff like tempura or beer battered)- although I want to try those variations someday. 
  • 1 egg + splash of milk
  • seasonings: salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, hot sauce
  • 12 thin corn tortillas
  • cabbage or coleslaw mix
  • 2 Tbsp. Kraft Green Goddess dressing 
  • grated cheddar cheese for topping
  • oil for cooking (I used olive oil)
  • lime slices for garnish and flavor
Pre-cook prep tip: Make your slaw ahead of time so the flavors can marinate and you will be ready to go when your fish is finished.

Slaw: Use 2 cups (or however much you want) of coleslaw prepackaged mix, or cut your own cabbage. Add 2 Tbsp. of Green Goddess dressing, or more for taste. Mix well and add a little salt, pepper, and garlic powder. Cover and put in fridge.

Wash the fillets off with cold water, then slice them into strips. I cut about 1" thick slices, and about 3" long. Pour your fish fry mix into one bowl, in another bowl add your egg, splash of milk, seasonings (salt, pepper, hot sauce if you like a little heat, garlic and onion powder), then beat mixture together. Take your fish strips and dip them into the egg mixture, then the fish fry mix. After I batter all of the fish strips I put them on a big plate and take them to the fryer! I used a regular skillet on medium heat and put about 1/2 " of olive oil in the bottom. Throw in about 6 pieces of fish. The fish does not take long to fry, about 2-3 minutes each side is adequate. Set the freshly cooked fish on a foil-lined plate and cover with foil until all of it is finished.

When you are finished cooking the fish, grab a plate, throw on 2 tortillas (I always double up with thin corn tortillas), add your fish, cheese, and slaw and you have your fish tacos!

***Bonus Points***
If you really want to go the extra mile with the tortillas (which as a native Texan, I consider a must), steam them before you serve them. I do not have a tortilla steamer, so I put about 2" of water in a pot and cover the pot with aluminum foil and  put slits all over it so steam can rise. I get the water boiling and then once the steam is fuming through the tiny vents I put a tortilla on top, it only takes about 20 seconds on each side of the tortilla then you have a deliciously steamed and warm tortilla to serve your fish tacos on!

Please feel free to share other variations, especially with different kinds of fish, slaw, and breading mixes.
This Friday I am going to attempt to make grilled seasoned shrimp tacos. Will post results of the aftermath ;-).

-Dakota Darling

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