Thursday, August 22, 2013

Mountain Man Cooks!

Hello All,

I am so sorry I haven't blogged in over a week! I am experiencing some issues with my computer and it has been a slight pain to deal with! I want to share with you the highlights of last weekend, and an update on this week.
Last weekend, I went to work with the hubby and was more than excited when he dropped me off at Target. I haven't laid eyes on a Target since living in my hometown. Secondly, this Target had a Starbucks in it, another rarity I have not experienced in a long time. (Side note store about Starbucks- when we went to Seattle on our honeymoon there was a Starbucks every 1/2 block. We did not go into a single one! I prefer to support local coffee, especially since Starbucks has the same trademark taste at essentially every location). Don't get me wrong- I still like a good cup of joe or if I'm feeling special maybe a Caramel Macchiato from Starbucks. I'm not dissing it, just proclaiming that I'm not a junkie. Thirdly, this town had one of my favorite restaurants, Qdoba, where we had lunch. I will gladly go to work with him anytime he is in this town!
On Sunday, we made a huge brunch feast. Now, Mountain Man is a wonderful cook- he just doesn't have time to cook often. I have been itching to use my new Texas-shaped waffle machine ever since we received it at a wedding shower. I finally used it on Sunday and it produced wonderfully fluffy and delicious waffles. Mountain Man made the potatoes and bacon. He is an expert at making breakfast potatoes and pancakes. I am trying to upload some pictures but am having some technical difficulties. >:-(

We started a new schedule this week, one where I don't get home until 8:30 p.m. I have started volunteer assistant coaching at the high school and we are in "2 a days" right now. So for dinner, we have pretty much lived by the crock pot this week. M.M. made a wonderful dinner on Tuesday night. He baked salmon, sauteed garden fresh zucchini squash, and cut up and roasted sweet and white potatoes. It was a delightful dinner, I told y'all he could cook! Monday and Wednesday we had crock pot chicken dinners, and tonight we will have leftovers.

I signed up to be a substitute teacher, and will be coaching the high school girls and helping out with a youth weekly clinic. My schedule is still pretty open now except during the late afternoon/evenings. Things may get busier if/when I get called to substitute. I am nervous- I haven't been in a classroom setting since I was in high school! I figured if I could monitor college football players in study hall, I can handle a classroom (I hope!).

This weekend we do not have any special plans. Maybe another trip to the special little town I mentioned above- it even has a mall! I hope we can go to Sam's Club one weekend, it is quite far from where we live so it will definitely be an all day escapade. I hope I can have some more exciting stories to post about besides our lame weekend plans ;-). The State Fair will be here next weekend, so maybe I will have some crazy stories about the Bull-a-Rama or something.

Things I am missing about living in a suburban area: having everything at your finger tips, i.e. Sam's, Target, restaurants, health food stores, department stores, my local doctor and dentist, Fuzzy's tacos, college football games, and a post office that is open past 11:30 a.m., (friends and family I miss the most).

Things I like about rural living: The traffic does not make me want to take blood pressure medication, learning to overcome withdrawals to the luxuries of big town living at my fingertips, learning how to live simply, not having as many distractions, knowing the mailman knows my name, the church we have been visiting is full of friendly people, rummage sales, all the inquisitive people about my Texas license plate, all the Mennonite ladies in their prayer veils and dresses, the local farmers markets, and my favorite part is looking at the little ducks feeding in all the surrounding ponds, they're so cute!

I certainly am more appreciative of the small luxuries of life while living in a small town.  I love the local farmers markets and eating fresh garden vegetables. I love how I see so many hard working farmers on a daily basis, providing our country with food. After living in Kansas, I have a much greater appreciation for the agriculture world and the people who work the tedious front lines.

Well if any of you have a good crock pot recipe you want to pass along, feel free. Until then I'm going to be browsing a good recipe for the chuck roast I have in the freezer.

Have a wonderful day!

Dakota Darling


  1. Hey Dakota Darling - I really like your blog. Sounds like you two are eating well. I am impressed with you and mountain man's cooking. So glad you are helping out with volleyball. Hope you get your computer troubles fixed - sorry I missed your phone call.
    Colorado Mom

  2. Thanks so much!! I hope I can upload more pictures too, I am going to try a different computer. I am loving volleyball and am substituting for my first time ever tomorrow. I will let you know how it goes!

    Love ya!

  3. I love that you're getting to appreciate the country's farmers and food production! Miss you, sweet girl!
