Thursday, August 8, 2013

My New Life

I just started a new life. One that has turned my world 180 degrees, yet I knew this is what I would be in for. Almost 3 months ago, I married my soulmate and partner in crime, Mountain Man. We met in college and dated our senior year, then spent the next 3 years apart. He found a career with a company that travels and moves frequently. I wanted to find my "calling" and tried several career paths. I coached volleyball at the collegiate level, went to graduate school and was a grad assistant in another field. Neither of us could find jobs in the other person's state, and neither of us wanted to quit what we were doing. So long distance for 3 years it was. It was long, and painful, but it made us tough. We learned of the depth of love for one another, and our "True Grit" to stick it out through thick and thin. And believe me, there was a lot of thin. We went 2-3 months at a time without seeing one another, and we could only travel by plane as our distance was great. Last fall, we got engaged during my last year of grad school, and we married just this past May! The engagement process was pretty hectic, as many of you may know, and we are just settling into married life. Right after we returned from our honeymoon, we moved to Kansas, where his job resided at the time, and lived with my 90 year old grandpa. I love my grandpa so much, but he is an old timer that is sassy. It's his way or the highway, and you either learn to live with it, or resent it. I didn't mind since he was my grandfather, and I could see the happiness in his eyes that he had some company around. The chores and errands kept me busy, and grandpa kept me company. Just about a month ago we moved to rural Dakota territory. We will only be here a few months, then move again. It has been an incredible transition going from working in Division 1 athletics, where the pace never ends, to becoming unemployed with a lot of spare time on my hands. At first, I had a bad attitude, I felt entitled to a job and a career since I have a Master's degree and a job offer after graduation. I was stuck all day by myself, not having an objective or plan. It has taken some time to find a "groove", and yet I have found one, and I am starting to love my new life. I have time to partake in activities that I never had or made time for when I was working. I have started a daily regiment of exercises at home (thanks to Pinterest), journaling and meditating, cleaning and cooking. I love to cook, I always have, I just haven't had the kitchen space or time to frequently cook. My cooking in Kansas was limited, my grandpa only likes beef and salmon patties, so I made lots of meatloaf, salmon patties, mashed potatoes, casseroles, canned veggies, and biscuits. We ate like farm kids in Kansas! Now that we have moved, I have busted out all of my new kitchen appliances! I am so excited to have a variety of them, and use them daily. I have been baking Mountain Man's employees treats on a weekly basis, and I cook dinner every night for him, so I'm gaining lots of experience. I will post pics of things I have cooked so far, and had success with. I love food, and making good food. I need all the practice I can get! I am so excited to start this new chapter in my life, it is something I have honestly dreamt of for a long time, yet I did not know how to handle it when I was given the opportunity. I have longed for the "simple life" for many years, and now I finally get to experience it. I definitely fought it at first, but the more I experience it, the more I embrace it. Thanks for reading! Now time for food pictures! Dakota Darling

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog. Thanks for sending me the link. Sounds and looks like your cooking is great. I love the dishes - are those the ones your mom brought? Maybe I will try some of those recipes. We need some variety.
